I am asking alot of people this question and you guys may have more experience than me in this field. Plus, I value your opinions. So here goes...

There are two jobs I applying for at present. I have had a great deal of experience in both roles, hence believe I am quietly confident that I will get interviews for both. One is as a counsellor (mental health, not political) and the other is as a medical receptionist. The deadline for the latter came first. Hence its not unreasonable to assume that interviews for the latter will also come first.

The thing is, its as a counsellor that I really want to work. The counsellor role is based in Glasgow, which will mean ALOT of travelling for me. I will see my wife less often than I currently do but I will be home at weekends.

The role of receptionist is based locally but isnt what I want to do long term. Here is my problem. If I do get an interview for receptionist job and get offered the job, do I accept? What happens if I accept it and then get offered the counsellor job? Do I quit the receptionist job i'd just started? Do I yurn down any reception job offer and risk NOT getting the counsellor job? I dont know what to do?

For purposes of this poll, lets assume I have interviews with both and have been offered the job with the local medical centre.

Any questions to clarify are welcome, but please explain your advice.

What should I do?