Looked like a rifle to me
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I once heard if you can put your arms around a tree and touch your fingers, it's probably not enough to stop a .308 from penetrating it and yourself.
That said, that vest might have had enough material to mushroom the bullet nicely before it left a baseball sized hole through your chest.
Didn't Mr Darwin write something about this kind of behaviour? That vest stunt was just prime example of not using one's noggin to what it's for...
I'm not really sure who was the bigger idiot, the one wearing the vest or the one doing the shooting, I'll say that the shooter hadn't thought much about what he would have been in for if that had gone worse.
To be honest, I would expect a vest to be able to stop a handgun round.
i have one question about both videos....was there alcohol involved?????
cause if there ain't...ain't nobody shootin' at me without me shootin' back...
That's for dang sure.