so this may seem a stupid topic.. but i figured i'd have a better chance of landing a gentlemanly response here than from anyone i know in real life.

so i've always worn a side part on the left and had a stupid wavey curl on my right side that seems to grow longer than the rest of the hair on my head and never sits like it should.. i've always hated it.. then i'm watching my favourite television show.. (leave it to beaver) and i realize that ward's hair isn't parted.. but seems to be combed back from right towards the left.. and it gets me thinking.. cary grant, johnny depp, tom cruise, andy defresne.. all parted on the right..

so i give it a try and blam! my hair parts perfectly on the right and every hair goes perfectly in place as if it was grown specifically for the right side part..

it just feels odd though.. is there standard behind this? does a right side part imply i'm a shandy drinker or something?

i have a feeling i know what your responses will read.. had to give it a shot anyway...