Ok, maybe it's because of my new awareness of "proper" shaving techniques (not that I'm anywhere close to mastering said techniques) or maybe it's just my general curmudgeonliness, but what's up with so many people going unshaven and scraggly as of late? Am I the only person that looks at these guys and thinks "my God man, have some pride in your appearance"?

I met with a couple of recruiters that are helping me in my job search (I'm leaving eBay as soon as I find another job that is more commute-friendly) and both of these guys were prototypical silicon valley geeks. They were interesting and smart guys, but both of them had at least 2 or 3 days growth. This, on top of their typical silicon valley nerdly pallor made them look one step above being homeless. I kept wanting to give them the SRP URL or maybe bust out a razor and shave them on the spot. It was really hard to take them seriously because I kept fixating on it.

Am I sick? Demented? Or am I just getting old and one step away from shouting "You kids get off my lawn" while I'm busting out the garden hose? My fiancee already calls me her "sweet GOM" (GOM being "grumpy old man") so I'm suspecting the latter.

-- Gary F.