I was in Vegas last week. I am fairly new to scotch (1 year) and like to try different kinds when I can. So we were in the Golden Nugget and they had a nice selection. So after looking it over I ordered the Glenmorangie 18, neat. Bar tender poured (he actually measured it out) and rang it up. I don't know if he or I was more surprised when it rang up at $18.75 I figured $10 give or take, he even said that was kinda high. Is that way over priced??

I didn't check the bottle to see if it was a special bottle or just standard 18 year, but that seemed a little high? It was good, but I thought it went for around $65 a bottle give or take. I would have expected to pay more if we were on the strip or at a club, but this was at the Casino bar.
