I'm helping my pastor out with powerpoint presentations. I type in the scripture text, superimposed over an image appropriate to the subject of the text, and it is displayed on a screen for the congregation as he delivers the sermon.

He has Office 2007 and I am using Libre Office Impress, a free version of the Microsoft software. It has worked alright, with some workarounds to overcome a certain amount of incompatibility with the proprietary microsoft program. Because of the time involved in getting this done and presentable, I want to get a more compatible program and have decided to purchase either 2007 or 0ffice 2010.

Reading amazon reviews of both I'm wondering if I would be better off with the 2007. It is what my pastor has and he will not be upgrading in the near future. Anyone have experience with both 2007 and 2010 that can advise me if I would be better off with one than the other , going by what I'm using it for ? TIA.