Ok, so I found out that Dave Matthews is coming to europe. Now regardless of what anyone else thinks I love his music and have wonated to see him live for quite a few years now.

Due to the fact that he and his band aren't as big over here he only plays one day at a small venue in Amsterdam.

Tickets went on sale at 10 am last saturday.

Sold out at 10:15 and I only managed to get two....

There were five of us that wanted to go.

So I start looking on some secondhand website to find out if anyone has miscaculated the number of tickets that they need.

What do I see? People having loads of tickets and already selling them for over twice to price. Now mind you it's only been 2 days since they've been available.

So I write someone and give them an offer of 10 euro's over the normal price per ticket.

He write me back and starts acting all offended as if I'm joking.

Now I don't know about you but for someone who hasn't put ANY effort into something (simply buying 10 extra tickets doesn't take much out of a man) is not someone that I'm willing to pay that amount of money.

I hate it when people do stuff like that. I was supposed to buy 3 more tickets and because of people like that I couldn't.

Sorry, just a little rant since it might well be the ONLY time he comes over to europe in my lifetime.