Couple of weeks again I was having a day trip with my wife in Ghent. Among other things we visited the 'dreupelkot' which is a small brown cafe with rough walls and a couple of barstools, and nothing more.
The proprietor is a short guy resembling a keg on legs. There is a no smoking sign on the door, and a thick cigar in the guys mouth
They only sell liquor. Nothing else. And only real Jenever at that.

I like strong liquor, so I always pick the strongest stuff from the card.
The strongest I'd had until then was 52 % alcohol. In this place, they had one that was 53% so I went for that.
And I went for a large glass as well.

I took it slowly, and with good reason. It really deserved the name 'Thor'.
And then I figured since it is made from apples, it is probably fairly close to what Terry Pratchett imagined when he invented scumble.