Just needed to write. My son is 12 and for the last year in the mornings he told us he didn't feel good and his stomach bothered him. My wife and I being raised in the 50's figured, no fever go to school. Well two weeks ago he upchucked bile in the morning so off to the pediatrician they went. He wasn't sure so he sent him to a pediatric gastrointestinist (sp) This guy sent him for a cat scan of his abdomen which showed that both of his kidneys were on his right side. They then did an endoscopy and told my wife he had an ulcer on his esophagus. However none of this do they believe is causing the pain on the lower left side of his abdomen. A urologist was very interested in his kidney setup and said he had only seen this abnormality once before in the past 30 years. Of course he wanted to do more tests however when I asked is this causing his pain he said "well maybe". I am just really frustrated. We are taking him to another doctor next week. I am hoping it is something simple like gastritis or something simple. Sorry just had to write.