Warning!! This is more of a rant than anything else.

We were kept on a Hawaiian Airlines jet upon arrival at Sydney Airport in Australia, and involuntarily sprayed copiously with some form of aerosol pesticide. I just did some research online and apparently this practice is not uncommon. But I'd never experienced this before, and at the time, found it to be rather alarming. Afterwards I felt pretty much violated.

I don't know, maybe my Jewish roots kicked in. I just thought it was a crappy thing to do. I understand vector disease control. But being treated essentially like cattle and mass sprayed.... Very dehumanizing.

We weren't informed about the spraying until we began our descent to the airport and I remember feeling trapped. I suppose I should have known had I done my homework, but as a very infrequent traveler, I had no idea such things were done.

Still pisses me off thinking about it....

Rant over