Well, that time of year is upon us yet again. For Christians, it is Christmas. For others, it is not. I thought in the spirit of sharing and goodwill toward all men on earth (or however that goes...), it would be nice to have a thread where we can all explain how we spend our time this time of year. Us Christians can get so wrapped up in ourselves sometimes at this time of year that we can often overlook that it is also an important time of year for many people of many and varying faiths (or non-faiths).

Me, I was brought up in a fairly typical christian, white anglo-saxon Australian way, so we celebrate Christmas at this time of year. This usually involves eating lots of food, getting a little drunk, swapping presents, having fights with family, sleeping it off, eating leftovers on sandwiches, then waking up the next day so we can go out shopping at the Boxing Day "sales", and catch one of the Boxing Day "movies" that all seem to spring up around this time of year, presumably to boost box-office takings. Then we spend the next 3 months paying off the credit card debt we ran up.

So, what do you guys do around this time of year? Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, Rasta, Scientologist, Jedi, non-religious (athiest, agnostic, etc), Christian, .... (sorry if I have missed some, which I am sure I have). It would be great to hear from you all.
