I had a very good feeling tonight!

When my children were young and so was I one of my favorite things was spearing through the ice. This has changed through the years as I now work the day shift and go to work in the dark and return in the dark!!!

Many years ago I met a young lad that was interested in what i was doing. I showed him and that is all he could think of. I did not lock the house but the trap door to the hole. I spoke to his father and said that if he was comfortable i would give him the combo. He agreed. Nobody messed with my fish house!

Forward 20+ years. My youngest son met him on the lake and he asked for my pickled Northern recipe!

More for proof for who he is than what the recipe is. That is my feeling.

I have met him a few times over the years and he has become much better at fishing than I am.

I told my son to bring him a copy of the recipe and take advantage of his knowledge.

I put out the seed many years ago and what goes around comes around. I am reaping the benefits now.