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Thread: The reunion of Mr Clock and Mr. Pink

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  1. #1
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Default The reunion of Mr Clock and Mr. Pink

    Over the years I've chosen many names to guide the theme of a razor. This one is the oddest by far. I admit it. Can't help it. I was forging 2 fixed handle razors that were going to be the same length and shape, but one was going to be sleek, smooth and lithe, and the other would be brutish. They're pretty identical of shape. Only the smooth one has more smile to it. That is on purpose. It is supposed to be sleeker.

    Now, I supposed I could have chosen ying and yang or something similar. Meh. As I was sanding and grinding, I had to think of Mr. Pink and Mr. clock. They're the aliases of 2 protagonists in a scifi novel by alastair reynolds. They hate each other but are force to work together through circumstancess. Mr clock (real name remontoire) is a conjoiner with augmented brain functions. He is sleek, smooth, lean and efficient. Mr. Pink (real name scorpio) is a hyperpig. He is very strong, muscular, and with a very direct approach to things. A living blunt instrument. The 2 learn to work together and come to a grudging mutual respect. Eventually they are separated in space where their storylines develop individually. In his final transmission before (probably) death, remontoire calls scorpio by his nickname (Mr. Pink) in his final goodbye. I always thought this was a nice touch.

    Their contrasting characters and features came to mind as I was working, and I decided that I would do homage to a story that I found terrific by reuniting Mr. clock and Mr. Pink one last time.

    I know. I'm a big soppy
    Anyway, it worked pretty well and I think the result came out nicely.

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    Lynn, Adam G., Geezer and 13 others like this.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

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    JReed (10-13-2014), williamc (01-13-2015)

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