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Thread: Ebony Prima

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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Gladstone QLD AUSTRALIA
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    Default Ebony Prima

    Thought I would share this project in progress
    I decided to make a Str8 for my younger Son in-law for his Birthday later this month
    Been gathering the bits since last year, when we started probing him on if he would be interested in a st8s, now all the items are here thought I better get started

    Blade: 6/8” #45 Prima P.K. Qualitat Round point & very hollow ground ( a singing blade I would say ) that started out as a travelling razor but as the case is to distorted for me to fix
    Blade has been hand sanded from about 800 grit to 2000 still to get to 5000 before final assembly.

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    Scales are Gabon Ebony cut from a 6x1x1 block from Global Woods I got as a free extra when I ordered a 6x1.5x1” block,
    what an abortion and lesson learnt that was with the jigsaw, all I’ll say is I am glad I still have the original block I ordered and next time will be by handsaw or invest in a band saw. and on that note we will never talk about that ever again,
    currently shaped & sanded to just under 1/8” (2.5mm) thick

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    Inlays are a 99.9% pure silver ؽ” Enneagram (from a pair of earrings I found online as I intend to do a similar item for my Nephew next) & wire for the dot with Ø8mm & Ø6mm abalone dots all CA glued in place
    I used my Dremel with square end burr and the depth stopper for the cut outs.

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    I had sanded the scales to 2000 grit but then decided to add the extra pin to personalise it to his enneagram number also.
    So have to do some more sanding & polishing of the lot to 5000 grit.

    Wedge is Camel Bone
    Pins: Brass
    Washers: Rhodium-Plated Brass Eyelet
    Thrust washers will be 10 thou brass

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    My current problem is deciding on the finish whether to go full CA or poly coating or a Tung oil or similar.

    But still a couple of hours of sanding to do before I lock it in.
    stay tuned
    Last edited by Substance; 04-08-2015 at 12:50 AM.
    to shave another day.

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