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Thread: Restoration? Brush? Razor?

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  1. #1
    Senior Member mycarver's Avatar
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    Default Restoration? Brush? Razor?

    I’ve had this piece for some time and recently had it replated in nickel silver. The original plate was beginning to peel and the tarnish was driving me nuts . Problem solved except the mirror ( beveled and it telescopes) backing is solid engraved silver but I can deal with that.
    Since it’s displayed in my living room it should look decent.
    The green bottle and milk glass bowl came with the piece. To round it out I made green acrylic so I could build a brush that seems fitting. I also made the creamy section for it then fitter it with a silver tip knot.
    Since I had also made a sheet of green acrylic I used that to make scales for a refreshed Wester Bros. Blade. The shape of the scales mimics the shape of the stand and being a bit ornate I decided to go froo-froo on the pins and washers.
    A fancy silver DE was added to round out the display.
    So was this a restoration? A razor resto? A brush build? Wasn’t sure where to post it but I think it’s cool wherever I put it .
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  2. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to mycarver For This Useful Post:

    Dieseld (01-25-2018), Geezer (01-25-2018), karlej (01-25-2018), outback (01-25-2018), petercp4e (01-25-2018), sharptonn (01-25-2018)

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