Picked this up at an antique store for $25 CAD. It was very badly rusted,but as someone said, you can always restore a wedge and this one was pretty hefty.

I forgot to take before pics, so what you see is what I now have.
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I unpinned the horn scales, stabilized the crack near the pin with super glue, gave it a quick sanding with a 1500 grit pad and let it sit in Neatsfoot oil overnight.

I started with 400 grit, went to 600 grit, but didn’t seem to be making much progress with the pitting, so went to 220 grit with my random orbital sander - maybe that was a mistake, because there are lots of remaining scratches. I just wanted to get rid of the black stuff and it mostly worked. Then I used green greaseless compound on a small felt wheel with my Dremel followed by automotive rubbing compound and MAAS.

It’s shiny, but there are still lots of scratches and some stubborn superficial pitting. Any advice on what to do next would be greatly appreciated.
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I honed it this morning because I wanted to get a test shave in to motivate myself to do some more work on how the blade looks. Shapton 1000 => Norton 4000/8000 => Vermio with 1 piece of electrical tape on the spine. Got a very nice 2-pass shave.