Full custom restore Wade & Butcher 8/8 FBU-

"The Celebrated"

Tore this one all down repolished the steel where some mental midget had taken sandpaper to it across the grind
Removed the rest of the rust and staining
Honey Buffalo Horn for the new scale material and we went with an Elk Leg Bone for the new wedge
Scales were thinned down to a Flexible .110" in fact the thickness at the wedge end is only at .300" just a touch over a 1/4"
Pins are solid brass along with the Inner bearing washers, outer lock washers are triple stacked to emulate the old bullseyes.

Honing was done on the Chosera 1-5-10 and straight to a Crushed Slurry technique on a Select Grade Coticule

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