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Thread: Wade & Butchers For barbers Use ~ G10 black/blue

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  1. #1
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Default Wade & Butchers For barbers Use ~ G10 black/blue

    This one belongs to my biggest fan 'Big Red'.
    Now 'Red' is also a big fan of those big old meat choppers. Everytime he sends me one they get bigger or meaner.
    He said once he tends to forget things and has a short memory for certain things so I'm always hoping he'll forget one of his restores but to no avail.
    He's got to be the most excited and fun person te be around cause everytime we talk he's like a kid waiting for his candy.

    This razor was pretty good to start with. It had a few stains and hone wear which I did remove and shined her up. 'Red' told me to go crazy with the scales. A while back when we talked I mentioned rivets. He lliked the idea...
    He's also a big fan of guns. Now we'll need to make him a matching holster so he can shave and shoot at the same time.

    Brand: Wade & Butcher - For barbers Use
    Grind: 3/4 hollow
    Width: 13/19
    Total weight: 3.2 Oz
    Total cutting edge: 2.3 inches
    Scales: G10 black/blue + G10 black wedge
    Pins/Washer: nickel silver/stainless steel
    Attached Images Attached Images        
    xALIx likes this.

    əˌfisyəˈnädō | pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst | eS'prəSSo | düvəl ləvər

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Maximilian For This Useful Post:

    Big Red (04-23-2009)

  3. #2
    Now if I could just find a midget.. Joeman's Avatar
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    WOW, not much more you can say. I really love those scales! As always Max, you outdo yourself on each new project.

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    Big Red (04-24-2009)

  5. #3
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    You've got plenty of fans Max!
    That's a beauty. The blade is awesome & I love the scale shape, but the rivets are a little too much for me. If we're talking cowboys, this one has a show in Vegas!
    I get the feeling it'll still look tiny in the big boys hand though!

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    Big Red (04-24-2009)

  7. #4
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Max, you are the man! You do have a lot of fans, that is for sure. I do like this one quite a bit. At first it took me a minute to figure out if the rivet thing worked for me, and the more I look at it the more I like it! Great work, as per usual.

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    Big Red (04-24-2009)

  9. #5
    Senior Member Big Red's Avatar
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    That's frickin bad ass!!!!!!!! I am sitting in my office trying not to let my legs tap too hard and bring attention. I'm grinning so big my ears might get swallowed! You NEVER disappoint!

    I gotta say this guys, I really gave Max total freedom, NO guidance whatsoever. he mentioned he had some ideas he'd talked about, rivets and what not and it might be kind of risky design. without telling him I sent this blade and said he had total carte blanche. My confidence in his style is such that I didn't even worry.

    But I was in no way prepared for it to be this over the top! I don't know what it is but this one brings out a visceral reaction in me. it makes me think of my shop, old hotrods, pinups, greased hair, white t-shirts and gasoline. It brings to mind jumping in the hotrod (51 ford truck) in my old faded wranglers, a worn thin t-shirt, duffel in back, this baby next to me on the seat, and hitting the hiway.

    sorry to go on and on, you all can't imagine my excitement right now!!!


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    ben.mid (04-24-2009)

  11. #6
    Beard growth challenged
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    I'm speachless!

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to 0livia For This Useful Post:

    Big Red (04-24-2009)

  13. #7
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    gorgeous. nothing else to say.

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to jockeys For This Useful Post:

    Big Red (04-24-2009)

  15. #8
    I still have my face! jakoblah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Red View Post
    I gotta say this guys, I really gave Max total freedom, NO guidance whatsoever. he mentioned he had some ideas he'd talked about, rivets and what not and it might be kind of risky design. without telling him I sent this blade and said he had total carte blanche. My confidence in his style is such that I didn't even worry.
    I treat my tattoo artist the same way.
    Just let go and allow the people who know what they're doing do what they do. (If you get my meaning...)
    You'll get something awesome every time.

    Congrats Red!

    Nice job, as always, Max!

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to jakoblah For This Useful Post:

    Big Red (04-24-2009)

  17. #9
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    Love it, that razor looks awesome.

  18. The Following User Says Thank You to StraightRazorDave For This Useful Post:

    Big Red (04-24-2009)

  19. #10
    Professional Pedantic Pontificator
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakoblah View Post
    I treat my tattoo artist the same way.
    Just let go and allow the people who know what they're doing do what they do. (If you get my meaning...)
    You'll get something awesome every time.

    Congrats Red!

    Nice job, as always, Max!
    Good call. I only have one tat, and I took a basic outline and some rough ideas, let the artist do his job. The first place I went to looked at me like I was a martian and suggested I take a look in their books. I went elsewhere....

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