Quote Originally Posted by mrbhagwan View Post
I'm going to have to try a lined wedge or some lined scales sometime.
I got a hint from Seraphim, as he does tons of liners, I was trying every darn glue there was to hold the liners on, and nothing was working perfectly... CA worked, Epoxy worked, but not perfectly, start heating the brass up while sanding, and sure enough one side or both would let go....
So I asked him what he was using and the answer he gave surprised me, "Gorilla Glue", yep havent had a problem since I switched to it...
I glue the liner to the wedge and clamp it overnight (BTW these are true wedges not spacers) and then fit the lined wedge to the scales the next day... So far so good, and I have done about 100 using it...and, No I never glue wedges to the scales