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  1. #1
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Charlotte, NC
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    Default Japanese Style Custom

    And now for something completely different....

    So today I got a bit more time out in the shop. I have been troubleshooting my
    POS bandsaw that won't keep a blade on the wheels, but to no avail anyway, I got so frustrated with the stupid thing that I decided to do some grinding instead

    I submit to you my first attempt at a japanese "kamisori" style razor. From what I gather, this would be a pretty large sized kamisori, but I am no expert on the subject

    Here are some pics... the blade will be ready for heat treat after I polish up the spine some (did the spine with a file to make sure it turned out like I wanted and it needs to be taken to a finer grit.) I included one shot of the asymetrical grind just for those who may want to look, but I couldn't get the angle just right...It's thinner than it looks, but everything is still thicker than final in order to be safe for the heat treat.

    Anywho--- all comments are appreciated

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