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Thread: Caststeel Sheffield
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05-16-2010, 09:37 PM #1
Caststeel Sheffield
I made this one for a friend who what to try str8's. It was kind of a beat up blade to begin with. I couldnt get all the pitting out. ( what do ya want for a freebie) Its not some of my best work. But I did this one in record time from start to finish 2.5 hours. I used greaseless compound to clean up the blade I left it a satin finish it helps mask some of the imperfections on the razor. The scales are Bocote, I sanded them up to 1000 buffed them and finished them with Ren Wax. The wedge is Ebony and the washers and pins are brass. Its honed up real nice took an edge quick. Smooth shaver too. (Hope you like it Shane)