Here is an East St Louis BS Co. "Always Good" razor. The Blade is a 5/8" wide, and is only about 2 1/2" long. This razor is very light. I picked it up off eBay for cheap. (Almost paid as much for the shipping). It was covered in some type of oil substance, all over, including the Blonde Buffalo Horn Scales. It was pretty grungy. The oil must have been on there for the last 60 years, and it did not come off easy. There were spots in the scales. At first I thought it may have been part of the scale, that maybe they were Tortoise shell. But I think what it is is stains from the oil. They are soaked well into the scales. I sanded the scales with 2000 grit, but only wore away some of the spots. I decided I liked the look, and they would stay.
As usual the blade was hand sanded from 320-2000, then Dremel polished with Mother's Wheel polish. Pins and washers are brass. My peening was much better on this one.
I am very happy with the way it came out. The scales look rough, including occlusions in them from being Blonde horn, but very shiny.
What do you think?

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