Hi new member here,

Been rained off work so have been in the garage pottering around until 'I know I will make a straight razor'!

I had some 3mm 01 tool steel that I bought to make a knife so drew a shape and cut it out with a hacksaw and shaped it with a dremmel and files. Then just used different grit sandpaper stuck to a bit of glass and got it to the state you see.

I heated the blade to a dull red and quenched in oil then heated in an oven for an hour.

Found a bit of Zebrano wood and made some scales and used some brass for the spacer. Also found some brass 4mm machine screws and will peen these on later but have them just bolted on for now.

A couple of questions...

The wedge is a bit convex in shape and I had to use 10 layers of tape to have a go at honing. I got the toe and heel to pop hairs off my arm but struggled with the middle that didn't get as sharp. Should I remove more metal to get a true wedge shape or even make it a little hollow?

I have an 240, 800, 1200 and a 6000 grit waterstone set. Will this be enough to get it sharp enough or will I need to get a higher grit stone?

This is a beast to be sure and am not sure how practical it will be but it was fun making it.

Any tips or hints where to go from here gratefully received.

