Well I am not sure how you do it, but this is how I do it

Take one 8/8 George Savage Hollow grind, just a true olé beauty...

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But hidden deep in the patina is a crack, if you look close in this before pic you can barely make it out..

Here let me help you

Now I decide that instead of trying to hone that out I would do a bit of modifying to it Muhahahaha

This is the blade after some of them but not quite done, yet !!!

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I had a set of the Snakeskin acrylic blanks from Phil over at Masecraft that he had sent me a sample of to check out and somehow it just seemed to fit with this razor.. "The Savage Baby Rattler" with all SS and Nickel Silver hardware and Brass bearing washers... The wedge is Honey Horn leftover from my last restore, I honed it up last night on my Coticule and shaved it this morning. I gave it a nice slight smile when I cleaned up all the chips on the edge and that combined with the short blade make this one a sweet razor for under the jawline

Alan if you're really nice I will send this back home to you

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