Hi guys!

Have just finished putting this one back together and thought it was worth a share. Its an 8/8 WM. Hargreaves & Co. shoulderless wedge that wears its original horn scales.

Kept things pretty minimal with this one, I chose to sand and polish only the spine and tang to preseve a bit of history on the blades 'faces' and of course retain the interesting etch. This blade displays the text 'United States Senators Razor - Patent Concave' - the only one I have seen (online) to make such a claim. The scales were cracked through the wedge pin on the pile side, so prior to oiling and sanding the scales I attempted to bleed in some CA in order to stabilze the crack. Worked fantastically - before I repinned it all I had all but eliminated its apperance completely. Sadly however after pinning everything back together, the crack reopened after just a few rotations of the blade - I guess all the flex forces that caused the crack originally came right back. For now I will live with it, but will keep a close eye on it to make sure it doesn't spread.

The spine is hugely thick - equally as thick as my vintage 10/8 JR.

Restored the original coffin too - I 'paper mache-d' some new ends in (they were missing), repainted it black and gave it a few coats of watery PVA in order to strengthen and seal it for a few hundered more years.

Anyway I will be honing this beauty soon, the bevel is absolutely tiny for such a big solid razor!

Thanks for looking.