Right anyone with info or any theories regarding this razor I would be grateful, now I saw this razor last week on Ebay, only one picture but there was something about the dimensions of this razor that kept me going back for a look, so I asked the seller a few questions and asked for a few more photo's, i could see straight away the razor had an unusually long tang and a tail like a De Pews razor, I was quite excited at the prospect of bidding on the razor, well to cut a long story short i won the razor, i've already taken the blade out of the scales and started to restore the blade it's in absolutely beautiful condition, and so are the scales, everything original including the box, the razor scales are a three pin set up with no wedge just a middle and back spacer in bone, not unusual for Taylors Witness razors i've had them this way in the past, I should have the razor finished sometime this week, until then i will leave you with a few photo's, it's a French point 13/16.
