I got this razor a couple weeks ago, and I have been wanting to try it out. This is the first really nice French razor I have had, well I assume it is French because it has that look Anyways, on to the pictures!

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Here it is, looks like it has seen better days...

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Yeah, that could be a problem

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The other side.

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A close up.

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Here it is after I finished. To be completely honest, I don't like how this picture came out (I have a painfully obsolete 2 megapixel camera) but I like this razor so I decided to post it anyways I ground out the chip and all of the nasty bits, until the steel was flat and smooth to the touch. As some of you might know I like to leave the dark patina in my razors as long as there is no rough steel to hold moisture and this razor was no exception. I ran it under the buffer with three compounds and it is nice and bright

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I love the near-wedge grind on this blade and I bet it will shave really well, I have only had good experiences with this type of grind.

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Notice how the much thicker point and spine taper way down to the thin tang. This puts the heft of the blade right where it needs to be.

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Very fine aged ivory. Very dense grain and good color.

I have it all honed up and I will try to get a better side pic of it for an upcoming SoTD