I guess we'll know in a few hours.
This really aggravates me I recently contacted a well known Aussie chain of booksellers.
They could get a particular book for me (it would have to come from overseas) in six weeks.Maybe.
The price would be $38.00. Same book online from U.K. was $18.00 and would arrive in two weeks
with free shipping !!

The rather long-winded point I'm trying to make is that if Aussie bricks and mortar shops can't
or won't compete with online businesses, they go to the government and demand they introduce
what is to me, a tarriff on imported goods.

If this new piece of legislation is introduced, I guess it will affect all of us.
I pay enough for my shaving soaps and colognes, the shipping cost is a killer for Aussies.
What say you ?