And shenanigans are already afoot! I went to the pier this passed weekend and had a few firsts. I made the discovery that you can, in fact, catch a crab with a deep sea jig. I would never have believed it had I not been there to see it. Not only did I see it, but I was the one that reeled it in. I was bitten by a blood worm for the first time - been fishing with them for years and had no idea they could nip you. This was also the first year I've re-spooled a reel and had the line just free spin around it, completely circumventing any attempts to set the drag.

One of my fishing buddies got me pretty good too. A gentleman offered us a bucket of live minnows as he was leaving the pier, and wee accepted his gracious offer. When we were done for the night, there was no one on the pier to pass them off to, and I saw my companion dump what was left of the minnows into the sea. What I didn't see, was him packing the left over blood worms into the bucket before he set them in the back of my truck. There was only about 2 or 3 worms left in that bag, but after 4 days in the hot sun they kicked up one hell of a stink.

Ah, they joys of fishing.