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Thread: A million thanks an some likes too!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member KsStraightShaver's Avatar
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    Default A million thanks an some likes too!

    I post this in the finer things in life as you are all fine gentlemen in my book.

    I have problems viewing this site when signed in an a bigger problem posting here it takes forever an I have no idea why I've tried everything I can think but nothing fixes the problem.

    Now I'm not posting to complain I'm actually posting to say thank you there are a lot of you on here that help out with any an all questions even when those questions are from newbies that don't take the time to read first (an without complaint). So I wanted to come here an say thank you to all of you an to say I'm sorry that it seems I'm being rude I'm not, when you guys help me I can't like your post ( unless the site doesn't screw up for me) I click the like button an the site messes up an I back up but can't hit the like button again as it thinks I've already done so, so I'm here now saying thank you and I like that too.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to KsStraightShaver For This Useful Post:

    MattCB (06-17-2016), RezDog (06-17-2016)

  3. #2
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    The important thing is that you are using the site and getting useful information.
    We're all here to share and enjoy, not for the recognition.
    Bummer to hear about the computer glitches.
    Hopefully someone that is super computer savvy will chime in and help out.
    Good luck!

    Pete <:-}
    "Life is short, Break the Rules. Forgive quickly, Kiss Slowly,
    Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret ANYTHING
    That makes you smile." - Mark Twain

  4. #3
    Senior Member KsStraightShaver's Avatar
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    Yes but even though you guys don't do it for the recognition doesn't mean you don't deserve some.

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Sometimes my smartphone wont let me like posts. I suspect it has something to do with my wireless being slow, but then again I'm far from computer savy.

  6. #5
    Senior Member KsStraightShaver's Avatar
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    Yeah I use my phone a lot but I also have 4 other computers I use it happens with them all, it's only when I'm signed in an I don't understand why.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Well you will get some help on that cause we have some really savvy computer geek type fellows here( not me ) Gugi might come along, I think he can fix about anything. Ya with the exception of a few curmudgeons ( me included ). It's a pretty good site. Tc
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  8. #7
    Senior Member aalbina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KsStraightShaver View Post
    I post this in the finer things in life as you are all fine gentlemen in my book.

    I have problems viewing this site when signed in an a bigger problem posting here it takes forever an I have no idea why I've tried everything I can think but nothing fixes the problem.

    Now I'm not posting to complain I'm actually posting to say thank you there are a lot of you on here that help out with any an all questions even when those questions are from newbies that don't take the time to read first (an without complaint). So I wanted to come here an say thank you to all of you an to say I'm sorry that it seems I'm being rude I'm not, when you guys help me I can't like your post ( unless the site doesn't screw up for me) I click the like button an the site messes up an I back up but can't hit the like button again as it thinks I've already done so, so I'm here now saying thank you and I like that too.
    Sometimes older web browsers have trouble with newer web sites and sometimes newer browsers have trouble with older websites. A Web browser is the program you are using to look at and interact with the StraightRazorPlace web site. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc. These are popular web browsers and come in many versions (meaning updates and age of the software).

    So - a couple questions: Do you have the same slowness problems when you are on other sites like Google, etc? If you do - then it is possible that the slowness is due to your Internet connection or perhaps an aging computer. If not - then it might be a browser compatibility issue. The software for the StraightRazorPlace website is vBulletin 4.2.2 and is several revisions behind what is currently available.

    I would suggest trying a different web browser as a first step in trouble shooting. What kind of computer are you using - in terms of operating system - Windows computer or an Apple computer? For Windows, you might try downloading Chrome from or Mozilla Firefox from Mozilla Foundation. Same thing for Apple if Safari is the browser you're using that has issues - you can download both Chrome and Firefox for the Apple platform.

    Last edited by aalbina; 06-17-2016 at 03:31 PM.
    dinnermint likes this.

  9. #8
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    +1 to this, although sometimes the thank/reply buttons, etc. move around. I'm using mozilla and it usually works very well.

  10. #9
    Senior Member KsStraightShaver's Avatar
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    aalbina I understand computers an web browsers but thank you for trying to explain it.

    Currently I use my iPhone the most I do not use the safari web browser I use google I haven't tried google chrome on it so I guess I need to. As for the other computers I use a dell an, an hp an agreement others at other places like work but all of them use google or google chrome as google is my go to system. I have used Firefox before an it's ok but I just prefer google. I also don't have any slowness with other sites an it's only when I'm signed in that the problem occurs

  11. #10
    Member wxc1006's Avatar
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    I use tapatalk almost exclusively and find that on SRP the "like" and "thank" buttons only work for me about 10% of the time. I will come back to a post later only to find that my "like" has disappeared. It's annoying, but hey I'll live. OP, this is a great and creative way to say thanks, if I could I would "like" it and "thank" you! Hahaha!

    PS- I like this, and thank you!
    dinnermint likes this.

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