Anyone else have a love for old double guns...specifically shotguns? I was introduced to shooting old double guns by a very good friend and accomplished gunsmith many years ago. I enjoy a day afield shooting pheasant, quail or partridge using a pre-war double hammer gun, a depression era double, or any old double. Something about the sight line down a SxS and the swing of a double that just works for me.

I have to admit I do get a certain sense of satisfaction showing up to a sporting clay invitational charity shoot with a depression era double gun that originally cost $10 and matching others with $300 tweed shooting jackets and $15000 English doubles. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE the high $$, beautiful doubles form the best European makers, I just can't afford to own them. I don't buy doubles or shotguns to hang on the wall, they get used in the field and on the range. So many of the best double guns are true works of art, functional works of art but there is something satisfying to me about taking the ugly duckling of a double (perhaps a Sears and Roebuck 20g double from the 30s or 40s) and dusting clay birds or coming home with a full game bag from the field.
