I bought a Moka Pot the other day and have since made 3 cups of coffee with it using Cuban - dark roast beans. Also purchased a cheap burr grinder and grind the beans on each use.

The coffee is immense but the grinds are quite uneven.

What I would love it to buy an old burr grinder and fix it up as a project in order to grind some fantastic fine grind beans.

1) Where could I purchase such an old burr grinder at a cheap price.

2) I also store the beans in the freezer and grind them straight from the freezer (as I was told to do for freshness) do you agree with this?

I guess down the line I could get an espresso machine but at the minute I'm more than happy to experiment around with my Moka Pot. It's just the grinder which I feel is most important.