Not seen anything on piercing here, so thought I would start a thread. Seems like since we all like steel here, we should have some bragging about its more personal uses

What, if any, piercings have you got? Which one of yours is your favourite? Which ones of someone else's? Are there any more you would like to get & where?

I have eight right now. I used to have more but some have gone to the wall over the years. Three in my left ear lobe where there were once ten. Two in my left nipple one in my right & planning on adding to them. Then we go south of the border where I have two piercings, an ampallang & a Prince Albert. For those of you who do not understand, shall we say they are in my Lady's best friend & she loves them. As this is a family rated site, I will refer you here Body piercing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia to discover exactly what & where I have pierced.

I have had all of the nipple piercings for over ten years. The ampallang for about five. The PA has been there for two weeks & is a preparation for an apardravya in a couple of months time. I like it so much that I am considering getting another one when the apardravya has healed. My favourite is a tie between the ampallang & the PA. They feel so good all the time & even bettter when.........

So what you got boys & girls?