I used to religiously carry a pocket watch when I was in High school, then I got a cell phone and didn’t need it. I want to get a new one but don’t know where to start. I go on eBay and there is every thing from .99 cent junk to $4,000 masterpieces! I would like to just start out with a nice vintage watch under $200 or so. Doesn’t need to be fancy gold or anything, I can be pretty rough on things so it doesn’t need to be elegant. I like the duel open sides with the Skelton window but know this was not an option on older ones. I am not partial to vintage, if I can find a new one that is quality that is fine. I just don’t want that junk that you see at gas stations all made of tin. Want some weight to it so that you know it’s real. Any one help me on some manufactures names or ideas where to buy.
