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  1. #1
    Ooo Shiny cannonfodder's Avatar
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    Default A hot rainy summers eve

    It has been a long hard few days. Work had been hectic and I sold my house so I am working my butt off getting ready to pull up roots and move to Philly. So I decided to take the night easy.

    It is a humid rainy hot night in Ohio. I am out sitting on the deck under the awning listing to the rain fall in the sticky summer night. Got my dog laying by my feet, a light breeze to keep the humid night air stirred up. I sit here enjoying a Cuban cigar and sipping on a awesome mojito, home made is the only way. Skip the mix and get yourself some 10-Cane rum, super good stuff.

    A cool and refreshing drink on sticky summer night and a good cigar. The rain lightly pattering on the awning, critters in the woods making their night noise. Wonder if an evening in Cuba is like this. No real point to my rambling, really, no point at all. It is just one of those evenings where everything seams at peace. The kids are spending the night at the grandparents house, the wife turned in some time ago and I finally have a relaxing bit of peace and quiet to rest. Life is good, mojito tasty, the cigar perfect and good old rover loyal. Damn I am lucky. Think I will shut down the computer and just savor the evening listening to the rain, distant thunder and saver my cigar.

  2. #2
    Shvaing nut jbcohen's Avatar
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    A PC takes up very little energy while it is running, it with the start up and shut down that it really sucks in the electricity so the best thing to do is probably to leave the PC alone, minmize the browser and leave it alone.

  3. #3
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Selling your house, moving out of dayton and moving to philly?

    You are living my dream!

    Quote Originally Posted by cannonfodder View Post
    It has been a long hard few days. Work had been hectic and I sold my house so I am working my butt off getting ready to pull up roots and move to Philly. So I decided to take the night easy.

    It is a humid rainy hot night in Ohio. I am out sitting on the deck under the awning listing to the rain fall in the sticky summer night. Got my dog laying by my feet, a light breeze to keep the humid night air stirred up. I sit here enjoying a Cuban cigar and sipping on a awesome mojito, home made is the only way. Skip the mix and get yourself some 10-Cane rum, super good stuff.

    A cool and refreshing drink on sticky summer night and a good cigar. The rain lightly pattering on the awning, critters in the woods making their night noise. Wonder if an evening in Cuba is like this. No real point to my rambling, really, no point at all. It is just one of those evenings where everything seams at peace. The kids are spending the night at the grandparents house, the wife turned in some time ago and I finally have a relaxing bit of peace and quiet to rest. Life is good, mojito tasty, the cigar perfect and good old rover loyal. Damn I am lucky. Think I will shut down the computer and just savor the evening listening to the rain, distant thunder and saver my cigar.

  4. #4
    Certifiable bbshriver's Avatar
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    When are you moving to Philly? Depending on what part you're moving to, I'm just about an hour north in Allentown, could meet up sometime!

  5. #5
    Likes to 'Flic' his whiskers charlie762's Avatar
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    your story reminds me of the time my wife and I rented a little cottage on the Isle of Mull.The cottage was a bit basic but it was at the side of a little single track road and almost surrounded by trees.I sat outside with a pair of binoculars looking for anything that moved.We lived in Edinburgh at that time so to have the wild life on our doorstep was fantastic.

  6. #6
    Ooo Shiny cannonfodder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbshriver View Post
    When are you moving to Philly? Depending on what part you're moving to, I'm just about an hour north in Allentown, could meet up sometime!
    Downingtown. Been to Allentown many times. Two of my favourite places are up there, Lehigh Vally sporting clays and cigars international.

    No rain tonight but the wife and I went for a ride on the bike and dinner. Out on the deck having a Romeo Y Julieta tonight. Not a Cuban, just a Dominican this evening.

  7. #7
    Ooo Shiny cannonfodder's Avatar
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    As if on cue, I hit post then I hear the pitter patter of sprinkles on the awning.

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