Good evening.
Peterson "to warm the nose", length only 108mm and Larsen.
Some history, old pipe ads:
YouTube - old pipe ads
YouTube - St Bruno SM
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Good evening.
Peterson "to warm the nose", length only 108mm and Larsen.
Some history, old pipe ads:
YouTube - old pipe ads
YouTube - St Bruno SM
Todays pipe Parker (Dunhill second)
I'm enjoying my Peterson of Dublin bent pipe. With a little Boswell's "no bite delight"!
Good morning Gentleman.
Today a Stanwell with Bourbon.
Have a nice day.
Just a bit of McClelland's 221B series Black Shag in my only meerschaum. Posed with a dram or two of Glen Morangie Quinta Ruban. Fantastic pairing that let the sweet side of teh Scotch really shine through. And I won't rub in how that Glen Cairn glass was one of a half dozen of free ones I picked up the other day :ziplip:
latest homemade. smoked it yesterday with some frog mortin OTB.
Good Friday, Gents.
So many beautiful pipes again this week.
My Friday evening setup will be:
Stanwell HCA
Karjala (=Carelia) strong lager flavoured with tar.
Pic 2:
Encouraged by the beautiful barber box of Thomas i decided to take a pic of one of my old boxes. This is nothing special, rugged for it's age. It is a trench art, made by my grandfather to be a sewing box for his fiancee, my grandmother, back in times of 1941-43. There are her initials (E.K.) on the top. Nowadays i keep my pipe tools etc stored in it. I didn't want to restore this but rather like to see it carrying proudly its age. Sorry poor pic: at this time of the year we have no much daylight hours here.
Couple pipes to share today, one new and one not very old. First off is my McCall Maple, great smoking big ol' pipe.
Next is a new one today, a Nording Wax Drip Freehand, big chuncky unique freehand, smoked great on the first bowl. These 2 are for sure my "monsters" in my rotation, both around 7+ inches. Just smoked the Nording with a Tender Box blend.
We have flood in Saxony
Today Tabakskollegium with Meerschaum-pipe