Excellent picture, thanks for sharing, Tomi.
I've never been in Tallinn but I was told it is a very nice city.
Just back from a Harley ride. It was a sunny, dry day in Saxony.
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Excellent picture, thanks for sharing, Tomi.
I've never been in Tallinn but I was told it is a very nice city.
Just back from a Harley ride. It was a sunny, dry day in Saxony.
Glad to hear you got to ride today! Ein sehr guten tag! Too cold here.
I find some irony in your love of American iron. You ride a Harley Davidson and shoot an STI 1911.
I shave with Soligen razors and ride a BMW K1000!
Yes, and my favorized knive is the Recon Tanto by Cold Steel.
And my son initiated the twinning between Glauchau, Saxony and Lynchburg, VA.
And this year we spend three weeks in the WEST.
In Las Vegas I'll pick up a beautiful razor.
And my BMW X5 comes from the USA.
And it seems I've more friends abroad than in Germany.
ahhh lynchburg, love the magnolias in that city, it truely lets you know your in the south
That is a great Picture Tomi, and it was only yesterday I was saying to a mate of mine, "I bet you can't tell me the name of the capital city of Estonia!" His reply was, "Where the f**k is Estonia? And who the f**k would know the answer to that?" To which I replied, "To your first question, I don't f**ing know, but to your second question, I would know, and it's f**ing called Tallinn!" We were just having fun, but he in all honesty he had no idea.
Attachment 87524
C&D Riverboat Gambler in a Meer.
Riverboat Gambler, IMHO, is some of Bob Runowski's best work. I think the amazing thing about it is that it's so unlike most of the blends he made. The others seemed to share a common lack of sophistication. Don't get me wrong great blends, but just not very sophisticated just utilitarian old school codger burlies with a spattering of perique or latakia occassionally thrown in but they never seemed to stray very far from their classic burley roots. Riverboat Gambler, on the other hand is a very sophisticated blend with lots of things happening simultaneously but all the component tobaccos seem to work together in perfect harmony so there is at the same time a great English blend, a great oriental blend, and a great utilitarian old school blend.
Could not have said it better myself,
I got this tin from a friend whom could not smoke it, it seems to be one of those tobaccos that you either love or hate and theres no middle area. It took me a few bowls to appreciate the complexity of this blend but it is one that i enjoy greatly.
Monday morning:
A no-name Meerschaum
Have a nice week, friends.
Well can I name it 'Mine' then?! :)