Good looking Cob, Lighter and Pick/Tamper... ;)
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I'll look for a cob corn tomorrow, but I have never seen that pipes in Spain...
du212, if you cant seem to locate one, give me a shout, im certain we can work something out, on this side of the pond, i can get as many as you like, well almost, i do have some size limitations, depending on what the tobacconist sells, i do know that my local shop has the county gentleman, which is in my everyday pipe, it is somewhat large in the bowl, but that just means i can put more tobacco in it:) or my usual flake and a half.
Winter in Glauchau, Saxony.
you know tom, for as much as i despise snow, those pictures make me want some, its very pretty. and forget what i just said, you can keep the snow over there, i dont need it that bad.
You like our weather?
Next week there should be 0F here. That's like in deep Russia. Brrrr.
i like the picture, well just leave it at that. it was in the low 20's when i passed the time and temp at the bank when went by about a half an hour ago, thats cold enough for now. i need to get more wood before it gets any colder.
Looks beautiful, Thomas.
...but 0 F ain't bad at all. Currently we have -5 F, and the weatherman, that damn creature, just promised -32 F for next week. It is a temperature where even burning pipe freezes. Or at least the pipe smoker does so.