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Thread: reloading

  1. #1
    Senior Member straightshooter1911's Avatar
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    Default reloading

    it seems as though there are a lot of crazy gun nuts on this site. so I was thinking, I cannot be the only one who reloads his own ammunition. thought I would share this in the finer things in life section, because I find reloading to have a very zen like appeal to it. when I am reloading the whole world disappears, even more than with shaving. plus I can always tell swmbo that if I don't get my alone time, I might accidentally blow up the house. without revealing to her that modern powder is a propellant, not an explosive, who else here finds reloading to be a relaxing activity?
    "still a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest." Simon unt Garfunkle

  2. #2
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    I reload 12 gauge and 45 colt smokeless or black powder.

  3. #3
    Senior Member straightshooter1911's Avatar
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    i do black powder too, and enjoy it, could have done shotshell reloading a couple of yrs. ago when a friend offered me his old set up for free. but not doing much with shotguns at the time i respectfully declined it is good to know i am not the only "gun nut" on here! so now you bring up a new question rodb do you prefer the smell of cordite (smokeless) powder, or black powder in the morning?
    "still a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest." Simon unt Garfunkle

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  5. #4
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Shotguns blasting clouds of black powder smoke is very impressive. Black powder in the morning for me!! lol!!!

    I go all the way and use the brass hulls, it's tons of fun!

  6. #5
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I do like black powder as well, it smells great and I love the boom you get when you shoot them off. Usually gets a few looks at the club I go to haha
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  7. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Yep I do quite a bit of "Rolling my own" Honestly the only stuff I don't load are .22's and Shotgun shells...

    I am all in Match Load Rifle rounds in fact if you read my one and only Blog on here it is more about Handloading then Honing hehehe

    I need to get some more 45-70 loaded up all the other ammo boxes are full that one is lagging behind
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  8. #7
    Senior Member Sirtexan's Avatar
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    I reload all my pistol ammo. It is cheaper than buying it at the store. If you see someone at the gun range picking up a bunch of brass and asking everyone around them if they want that. It may have been me. lol.
    The gunpowder I use has an ingredient in it known as Nitrocellulose. It is very unstable and highly flammable.
    I used to work at a paint factory where we used Nitrocellulose. They did a demonstration for us. They burned 10 pounds of it in about 5 seconds. The flame was about as high as our water tower. I know it isn't pure Nitrocellulose, but just having that ingredient in the gunpowder makes me cautious while using it.

  9. #8
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    I only reload my large pistol ammo, 45acp , 454 casull, and 500 s&w

  10. #9
    Senior Member ColonelG's Avatar
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    I have a Lee 4 hole Turret Press...I know, not exactly top of the line, but consistent and cost effective.
    I reload .45ACP, .38 handgun loads.
    Rifle I reload 30.06.
    SWMBO tells people that I don't reload, I stockpile....another misunderstood activity.

    I also just started to cast my own bullets.
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  11. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I used to have Star progressives in 45ACP and 38spl but sold those years ago. Kept my RCBS rock chucker and use that for 45-70, 38-55, 44spl and mag, 357mag. I've got the dies for .40S&W/10mm but haven't loaded for those yet, but I intend to. I also do some boolit casting.
    ColonelG likes this.
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