One of these days my pot of money is going to be full (*) and I want to start learning to re-grind razors, and sometime later to grind new razors from tool steel.
Before I buy anything I want get a better idea of what I need.

Can I use a belt sander to grind and re-grind razors or do I need a stone?
If I need a stone, do I need a high RPM stone for dry-grinding, or a low RPM stone for wet grinding?
If I go with a low RPM wet grinder, what disc size is best?
Any and all tips and information are appreciated.

(*) I have a habit of removing all my 1 and 2 euro coins from my wallet and the end of the week and tossing them into a metal whisky bottle gift box. I have been doing this for 5 years now. It is almost full and when it is I want to spend the money on something that wouldn't normally buy out of the household budget.
I have no idea how much there is, but I am pretty sure it will be more than enough to also buy something expensive for the missus so that I avoid an argument about the need for a grinding setup