This is basically a continuation of a thread I started in the beginner section showing a razor I made on a whim in my shop ( I normally make big camp knives and hunters so this was something new and it's turning out to be a lot of fun.

I will post pics tomorrow... but for now... I need somebody to point me to some good build-alongs. I've been reading the stickies and doing some searching, but I haven't found the answers...

I have a KMG with an 8" contact wheel... What would be an optimal diameter contact wheel for hollow grinding razors? Also.. other than a thinner edge, is there any benefit to hollow grinding vs. flat grinding?

I usually forge my blades to shape, but it seems like a lot of extra work to forge a razor other than flattening thick stock and shaping tangs, etc. So what is a good stock size... thickness and width? I used a 1/2" x 3/16" piece of Aldo 1084 as my starting material... but it seems starting with something wide may be beneficial???