Hi everybody.
I havent been here in a while and did not post that often, but i just want to thank everyone of you for the help i have been able to find on this forum.
I bought a dovo best quality last year and i did not have a clue. It took me 2 weeks before i decided to put the blade on my face, i was a little scare to cut my throat..lol
I subscribed to this forum and watched a ton of videos and found so much information on how to shave and take care of my gears, learn the lingo and the types of razors etc..
I had my share of cuts and irritation, dulling blades because of poor stropping technique, razor burns etc.. but i learned
Since then i got a hartsteel 7/8 as a gift, and bought multiple de razors (i started with a straight before trying a de) i have tons of soaps and aftershaves and a couple of brushes, all kinds of blades, a shavette, i even learned to hone the razors myself and i have 3 stones, 2 strops.
Now, a year later i shave almost daily with a sr and use a de once in a while for fun. My technique is getting really good, it takes me 15 minutes to shave instead of an hour.
Wet shaving is now well integrated in my life and i will never go back to anything else, i even tried electric wet shaving and it was great!
But now my heart goes to the straight razor.
I think that i should give back and i will try to participate more in helping the n00bs achieve the same thing, so expect to hear from me more often.

Thanks to all.
