Well, it's the dog days of summer though my Husky is as cool as a cucumber. But for most of us it's hot and humid and vacation is over and there's nothing good on T.V so it's a great time to have a contest.

So here is the deal. I want to know how using a straight razor has affected one important facet or incident in your life. Maybe your girlfriend fell madly in love with you because of your great shave or your business client gave you a big contract because you were so clean shaven or maybe using a straight caused you to be late and delayed your purchase of a lottery ticket and because of that you won. Maybe you cut your self real bad and the scar made you really sexy looking or maybe you met someone special in the emergency room. Maybe your honing skills caused you to survive some harrowing incident. You are not confined to a straight specifically but can use related paraphanalia too.

So you get the idea. All entries will be judged for originality and the impact the incident had on your life and will be judged by our mod team.

So what will you win if you are the dog days lucky dog?

I just happen to have a brand spanking new package of Fitjar Lighthouse Bay Rum Soap still in it's original packaging and never touched so that is what the prize will be.

Place your entries right here in this thread and we'll let this run until 9/15 or so.