For the past three years I have been trying to sell my buddy on wet shaving after he showed a considerable interest on a past visit.

He's a pretty busy urbanite and recently he emailed me to express his glee when he found the "Dollar Shaving Club," which he intends to use to buy his carts. Of course I told him that a DE would be cheaper and probably better for his skin... and again tried to sell him on wet shaving. And then went ahead and sent him a bunch of links. After all, he's a friend, and who doesn't want the best for a friend?

His response:

Sorry for the late response.

Busier than a one-legged whore at a longshoreman's convention!

Thanks for the shaving info. It all sounds very cool. My only concern is the time factor as it sounds like one needs to be able to devote some time to "real shaving". Is that right?

I go to (deleted for privacy reasons) every M/W/F from 6-7am and to make the most of the time, I always shave in the shower. I have a shower mirror and of course the steam is great for prepping the skin for a good shave.

I am intrigued, however by wet shaving for sure!


I thought about his email for a bit and then simply just... "replied."

My reply:

I hear you - I shaved in the shower for years. I still do sometimes with my double edge razor.

Yes one needs to take some time out of their morning routine in order to do the traditional wet shave in front of a sink. It's a form of pampering... a busy lifestyle really isn't conducive to wet shaving unless you really value the tradition, or have supper sensitive skin and have to. All said and done, you either work in the extra five-ten minutes or... not.

When I was learning to use my straight razor, there was a semester where I had an 8 o'clock class. You really don't want to rush when learning a straight, so I shaved before bed. It worked well (wife loved it lol), but I really prefer a morning shave. It has after all (morning shaves), been my routine for years.

Anyway - there is a reason "cartridge" (cart) razors have dominated the scene and are considered progress. In a mad world taking the time to pamper has gone the way of the dodo. This is evidenced by many things, but the inconvenience that is lunch bears out this truth the most in my opinion. Of course, you can pick any cliche that works for you lol.

Generally speaking, a busy lifestyle is an urban pass-time! We love being busy and it makes us feel as though we value our time. Of course I get that. I used to love that rush of making up time in creative ways. Hell I went so far as to buy an electric shaver in the hopes that I could shave on my commute back when I lived in Toronto lol!! But I live in Topeka now, and as such, were I to drive an hour to get to work now, well I would be working in Kansas City lol!

Topeka has afforded me the ability to take some time where I never would have before. Hence, I wet shave and smoke a cigar just about every day. For all that Topeka is, the one thing it affords me is the ability to slow down. Don't get me wrong brother, the rat race is a rush and some days I miss it dearly, but sans that constant panic to be moving, one adapts certain "hobby's" shall we say to fill in the time.

Your lifestyle, and (removed for privacy - pick a big city) in general doesn't sound like "to me," is going to make room for wet shaving at this point in your life. That said, you could easily leave an alum block in your shower and use it after your cart shave. That would be a minimum for me. Moreover, before you do your hair after getting out of the shower, pamper yourself with a little after shave - the shit just makes your face glow . Right there, by doing that, you're at least getting a fraction of the wet shaving lifestyles benefits.

After wring that, I noted to myself that we here, well... we are a lucky bunch to be able to wet shave. We have found or made the time to pamper ourselves just a little bit every shave and perhaps in a small way, it's akin to stopping and smelling the roses.