My Confesion:

I must confess to using my son's norelco for the last two months. I've not been giving myself enough time in the mornings to do a straight razor shave.

My Redemption:
Now that I'm back to the straight razor, I'm finding that I'm getting better shaves than before.

I attribute this to dropping some bad habits I'd developed the first time around.

For example, I'm left-handed but shaving my right cheek with my right hand always felt better - I've now determined that I was using too steep of a blade angle with my left hand.

Also, since I'm starting all over again, but with more knowledge than I had the first time around, I've realized what 'no pressure' really means. This is giving me a more comfortable shave.

After having struggled to learn straight razor shaving for about six months, I benefited from putting it away for awhile, giving me a chance to break some bad habits and to really think things through.

Moral of the Story:
When you're struggling with a problem, it's best to walk away for awhile and come back with a fresh start
