I have been shaving with my Dovo Best Quality for a month, or more, with the usual beginner experiences.
The Dovo seemed to want more than stropping and CO paste lately, so I tried honing.
Went through 4k, 8k and 12k, starting with circles on the 4k. Ran X strokes on all.
Finished with CO on web followed bu 100 laps on the leather.
I felt the shave afterward could have been better, and planned to go back to the stones with maybe the pyramid method.
Today my new Ralf Aust from SRD arrived. To my surprise, it shaved equal to my Dovo that I just honed. I used the RA right out of the box, so that my stropping wouldn't come into play. Both razors seem equal.
The whiskers felt like they were fighting the blade, almost pulling.
I never can get a hanging hair test to work for me. I didn't try it with the RA; wished I had.
So, I figure my honing is up to par. Maybe my prep needs to be punched up some. I'm using Tacac Original soap after coming out of the shower.
Any suggestions would be welcomed.