Over a year in now with a mild case of RAD, growing honing skills and a few restorations under my belt. Loving it, but always a little disappointed with the shave. A couple of hairs felt there, bit of a scratch from the tip by an ear, and don't get me started on that neck briar patch where the hair direction remains a mystery. The search for perfection is a terrible thing.

Then comes along the humble single blade disposable. A set of holiday circumstance meant no straights for a week. Needless to say, I was moaning and groaning about this. A bit of plastic hadn't touched my face for well over a year since I ensued total commitment to the cause by chucking the lot in the bin on day one!

I can honestly say that the single blade disposable was he best thing to happen at this stage in my experience.

Think you're not getting a 'good' shave? Standards set at the BBS? Try an sbd for a week and reset your expectations and standards! Disappointed with your efforts at perfection? See just how far you've come! During that week, I had rough skin, bad stubble in a few hours, razor burn and a couple of spots. Also great for making sure your long suffering other half realises the treat for everyone that is a straight razor shave!

So my friends, I'm going take the unusual step of recommending a disposable just so you know how high you're setting that bar!

Yours, Apis