Guy at work was asking me about straights for his son in law. Seems his SIL is interested in straights and guy from work is wanting to buy his SIL one for Christmas. He said he was looking online and had no clue what he was looking for, so he hit me up today.

I hooked him up with a nice starter Dovo and Strop set from SRD. Talked him into picking up the DVD as well. The ad says it included a sharpening from the master, Lynn.

Work guy asked me if I could double check when it came in to make sure it was sharp. I let out a big LOL and said if Lynn is doing it, you definitely have no worries. Went on to explain how Lynn showed me how to sharpen at one of the shaving extravaganzas a few years back.

Thought it was cool and hopefully after Christmas we will have a new member.

Ya'll have a Happy Thanksgiving.