I'm just sort of curious on others takes on this. I assume it had to be just the lure of new technology? It still doesn't make a whole lot of sense though to me. I just started SR shaving this year in October. I'm 41 y.o. And even my first couple of totally noob shaves were better than the shaves I was getting with my cartridges. Although I guess the whole "time"'factor would have played into it as well. Now that I have a couple of months into it I am getting crazy BBS smooth shaves now. I used to shave every day but when I get a really great shave I easily go every other day shaves simply because with how close a shave I get it takes that much more time for it to grow out to be noticed. Now that I really can't see myself ever going to another shaving method I really wonder? Why did we ever get away from SR.?