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eBay sent this message to gratewhitehuntr. eBay sent this message on behalf of an eBay member via email. To respond to this offer please reply to the seller at this email address: . Good news! The following eBay item on which you placed a bid for US$ 120.00 is now available for purchase: The winner of this item got rejected due to security reasons (either he failed to follow through on the purchase commitment or outright refused to do so). Your last auctioned bid prior to being outbided is taken into consideration as eBay policy automatically proclaims you to be the winner by default. The selling of this item through Second Chance Offer is in compliance with eBay policy; you will be able to exchange Feedback with the seller and will be eligible for all eBay services associated with a transaction. To purchase this item please contact the seller by replying to this email address: .

Details for item number: 330112415702 Item URL: e=ADME:B:EF:US:11 Description: The blade on this razor is massive. Very little pitting and much shinier than any of the pics show. Measures 1 1/8 inches (9/8!) in width. Black h... Post to: Worldwide Seller: philoritx( 782)
100% Positive Feedback
Member since Sep-28-99 in United States

I had to delete lots of stuff that the site thought was images, limit 6, but this is almost all of it.
Does this look legit guys??? I really wanted this razor and am clearing out others to generate funds.
